Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Yesterday morning I got a text message from a friend who is a pet sitter on the west side of town (for anyone over there looking for great help she is WONDERFUL and specializes in cat care). Here is her company:
                           Anywho - her text simply read "Do you know your web site is gone?"

Whaaaaaaaat? It turns out Microsoft Office for Small Businesses has closed its doors to web hosting in favor of a service called Microsoft 365 so my web site just dropped off the face of the cyber universe. After some "freaking out" time Char made me realizes this is the Universe offering me an opportunity to update my web presence.

So I have a brand new web site with a brand new host:                           In addition I have just created a new FaceBook page for In Demand Pet Sitting and am going to try my hand at being a more active "blogger" which could be amusing or frightening - depending on your perspective ;)

SO a big THANK YOU to Char Riedinger of Sit4Pet for the heads up & the encouragement! I hope you will all stop by and visit both my blog and my FB page on occasion.
